Tech. Com #7: Students must vote during the 'Students' Election' because....

In my opinion, all students should vote in the student’s election. Voting is not a right that everyone in the world has. The student election represents our rights, as Malaysian, to choose the suitable representative that will serve us best. It can prepare students to get ready to vote in our country as a citizen. It can persuade them to vote and choose the suitable representative for our country. 
For me, the student election taught me many things. This election taught me how to choose the best representative who will be my voice to get what we want as a student, what they want to do after be select as a student representative and can they cope with the student issues. I also had to do research so I could make the best choice. The first thing that came to my attention when I started to vote was how little I actually knew about the candidates and what issues they advocated. 

Everyone in this world have the authority to choose between Good and Bad. If you research about the person who deserves to be in the position and vote him/her, you did a good Job. If you choose to shut up and sell your vote, your non-sense.

Category: 1 comments


* aH - sYuk - fAdh * said...

do you think MICET do the right way of choosing the leader??? in your opinion, why in MICET this event wasn't so famous, and no support within students???

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