After spend several months to focus on study, all students will have a mid-semester break. This mid-semester break usually is between one to two weeks. This break time should be use by the students to doing something that bring benefit to them. Student can do a tuition class, doing a part time job, and doing some charity work. For me, this mid-semester break I want to do many things such as:
- I want to take a vacation with my family because only this time I and my family can have time to hang out together.
- Secondly I want to help my parent to do something such as clean up house.
- I also want to meet my friends in this mid-semester break because my friends also students like me and we only have time to meet each other when semester break only.
- Do the work or assignments.
- Study for the text that will come after this mid-semester break.
As a university student, they should use their mid-semester break time wisely.
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