Tech. Com #1: My Educational Aspiration for 2011

Assalamualaikum w.b.t...

Hi everyone, before I begin, some brief information about myself.
I'm Ruzaidi Ismadi and now still studying at UniKL MICET to further my study in Bachelor of Chemical Engineering Technology (Hons) in Environment. Though I would aspect to further study at other well known universities, but luck does not side on me.

Now, not-so-briefly, my educational aspirations for 2011 I want to achieve a better result than last semester because last semester I could say that there was a lot playing than study. I was really disappointed by my last semester result, but disappointed doesn't meant to give up. I should begin to study smart to get a better result and also to increase my CGPA for this semester. Apart from that, I also want to get all A’s in all subject that I take for all semester and grades with a flying color.

I realize this post maybe long and probably ambiguous in some spots, but these forums are my best bet for advice on these matters at this point in time. It may be that all of my educational aspirations for this year are premature, but it doesn’t mean it can’t be achieve. So, I should start from now to get all this thing become reality.

Thanks in advance, any advice, input, commentary or insight is most appreciated.

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